One-On-One Counseling (English & Spanish) Open or Close
Pre-purchase counseling is for clients who feel they are ready to purchase their first home. There are many factors to consider and be aware of before individuals and households make the decision to buy a home. CJHRC counselors provide comprehensive and customized pre-purchase counseling to their clients to make the home buying steps easier.
10 Steps of the Home Buyer Process
Budgeting Guidelines Cost of Living
Credit Release Authorization Form (to attain a tri-merge soft-pull full credit report)
Disclosure Statement – English
Disclosure Statement – Spanish
New Jersey Housing Resource Center (NJHRC)
Online Learning (English & Spanish): Make Your Move: A Guide to Homeownership Open or Close
This program is a combination of individual face to face and web-based homebuyer education. This program will prepare you for all aspects of the home-buying process. You will first need to meet with a CJHRC Counselor for face-to-face counseling, then you will take the online class. At the end of the program, you will receive a certificate that is good for one calendar year.
- 10 Steps of the Home Buyer Process
- Budgeting Guidelines Cost of Living
- Credit Release Authorization Form (to attain a tri-merge soft-pull full credit report)
- Deed Restricted Lender List
- Disclosure Statement – English
- Disclosure Statement – Spanish
- Make Your Move Flyer (English)
- Make Your Move Flyer (Spanish)
- Monthly Budget Form
- New Jersey Housing Resource Center (NJHRC)
- NJHRC.gov Instruction Flyer
- Pre-Approval Information
- Pre-Purchase Document Checklist
Pre-Purchase Webinar Open or Close
This webinar (5.5 hours total covered over 2 days consecutively) was developed to assist very low/low/moderate-income individual and households who are 3-36 months away from purchasing a home and wish to get comfortable with all components of the process. Virtual Webinars are offered throughout the year. For clients who are not available on the dates/times designated for the 2-day virtual webinar, they can register for CJHRC's one-on-one counseling or online learning.
Affordable Housing Open or Close
Information about the State of New Jersey Very Low/Low/Moderate Income Program is contained in the links below. While there are no applications on the website, if you are looking to apply to a CJHRC property, please call 908-446-0036.
Bernards Township, Somerset County, NJ Cedars and Society Hill Fact Sheet
CJHRC Purchase Application Overview – How CJHRC Processes Applications
Documentation for Self Employed Applicants
Documentation for Property Owner
Homeowner/HOA Fees for Affordable Housing Units
Hunterdon County Resource Guide (purchase, rental and senior properties)
New Jersey Housing Resource Center (NJHRC)
Raritan Borough, Somerset County, NJ Cardinal Woods Fact Sheet
Raritan Township, Hunterdon County, NJ All Units in Purchase Program Fact Sheet
Somerset County Purchase Guide
Somerset County, NJ Affordable Housing Map
State of New Jersey Income Limits
- Resources for Potential Homebuyers Open or Close